Pre-Shoot Tips


Around The Home

  • Clean the windows, (we recommend a professional for this job)

  • Remove doormats, rugs, and carpet overlays

  • Mow lawns, remove weeds, tidy garden and washing off the line

  • Put the bins in the garage

  • Clear away items like kids bicycles, garden hoses and garden tools

  • Remove pet toys, food and water bowls



  • Remove Fridge Magnets, tea towels, and oven gloves

  • Clear away excess electrical appliances

  • Remove clutter from bench tops such as books, crockery, tissues, salt & pepper grinders, and toaster, etc.

  • Remove rubbish bins from the view

  • Clean appliances, hobs, extra hoods and oven glass

  • Remove washing up bowls, drainers, and washing up liquid


  • Make sure all beds are made

  • Pack away kids toys

  • Clear table tops of toiletries, photos and clothing, etc

  • Remove everything from bedside tables except lamps, check bulbs are working, replace if needed

  • Remove extension leads, phone chargers, and extra wires

  • Check nothing that is stored under the bed is visible from the doorway

  • (This is the most common angle a room is photographed from)



  • Remove all toiletries from shower, bath and washbasin

  • Clean marks off mirrors and shower doors

  • Remove bath mats and towels

  • Toilet seats down and a new roll of toilet paper

  • Any towels left should be clean and neatly folded

Living Area

  • Remove door mats and excess furniture if possible, it will make the rooms feel more spacious

  • Vacuum carpets

  • Replace any broken light bulbs

  • Remove family photographs

  • Remove personal items, not everyone may share your sense of humour, religious or political views

  • Coffee table books are ok, however, remove all other clutter such as piles of magazines, phones, and TV remote controllers